RPA (Robotic Process Automation) AA (Automation Anywhere) Interview Questions 2018

RPA Automation Anywhere 100 interview questions Important question at the end

Q1). What are the important factors that must be taken care of while planning Automation anywhere?
ans.Before doing anything, the very first thing to pay attention to is selecting the Automation tool that is
beneficial. It is necessary to pay equal attention to the framework in case it is present. The test
environment setup is also necessary to e considered on priority. Another factor that matters a lot is
identifying the test Deliverables. In addition to this, factors such as the timeline of the project and its
execution are the other factors that must be taken care of during the planning phase.

Q2).What are the features you would look while selecting a tool for automation anywhere?
ans.The tools must be easy to use and have test environment support available simply. It must have
debugging ability for the smooth operations. It is quite true that testing image and objects are the
important aspects in the Automation Anywhere. Therefore, it must have a better image and object
testing ability. Also, it must be capable to test the database. Object identification, as well as multiple
framework support, are the other features that must be there in a tool for Automation Anywhere.

Q3).What do you know about the type of framework that is used in Automation Anywhere software?
ans.There are four important frameworks that are commonly used. First is Keyword Driven Automation
Framework. Next is Data-driven automation framework. The third is Hybrid Automation Framework and
last is Modular automation framework.

Q4). What types of different systems are required for Automation Anywhere??
ans.Any type of system can be considered because there is no necessity of back-end coding. This is one of
the leading advantages of this approach as well.

Q5) What should be paid attention to during the task creation?
ans.A lot of methods are available to ensure Automation is under control and is actually not wasting money,
time and efforts. Task creation is basically a useful approach that simply let the automation process
work reliably provided you engaged only those in the processes who have good skills.

Q6) Is it possible to achieve 100% automation?
ans.Yes, it is possible but generally extremely complex. Complete automation even has a lot of
disadvantages too. Generally, it is not the primary target in any automation process and operations that
aim the same is not considered in most of the projects based on automation.

Q7) What Are The Predefined Variables in Automation Anywhere?
ans.Automation Anywhere supplies two predefined variables for each task
Prompt-Assignment- a single value variable
My-list-variable - a list variable

Q8) Manage Windows Control Command
ans.Useful when needing to capture window control properties, such as buttons, listbox items, text boxes,
menu tabs, combo boxes, check boxes, and tables
Once these commands are captured, specifications can be performed or they can be assigned to variable

Q9). Pattern Based Data in Automation Anywhere?
ans.Pattern data has one or more data elements spread over multiple web page
Can read the data into a list variable or CSV file using the Web Recorder
Navigate to the data to be extracted
Select the extract data option, then select pattern based data
Highlight the first piece of data to be extracted
Highlight the second piece to set the pattern
Specify the column name
Save the extract data field to display the extract multiple data menu

Q10) What are the debugging tasks concepts?
ans.Debugging eliminates unwanted results
Find out what you do not know
review/execute one command at a time
Know what is in all of your variables
Look for blanks and spaces
Do not assume anything
Keep code simple
You can create bug-free automation

Error handling is not debug

Q11) Using snap point in debugging?
ans.Works similar to breakpoints
Adds screenshots while debugging a task
Recaptures screenshots while the task is running
Use the visualize tab in the task editor to view the layout of the current task
From the task editor
Turn on enable debugging
Set multiple breakpoint
Set multiple snap points
Execute the task

Q12) Capturing the Image for OCR
ans.Capture window specifies a window title of the image to capture
Capture area subcommand to designate a portion of the image to review
Capture image by path opens an image based on the supplied path
Capture image by URL captures an image located on a webpage

Q13) Email system variables with a loop to determine the scope of the automation
ans.Email From - returns the emails From Address
Email To- returns the emails to address
Email CC - returns the emails address
Email Subject - returns the email subject
Email Message - returns the text of the emails message

Email Received Data - returns the received data for the email
Email Received Time - returns the Received time for the email

Q14) FTP/SFTP Command
ans.Provides the ability to upload and download FTP/SFTP files
Perform website backups
Put Files - uploads files
Get Files - download files
Put Folder - upload an entire folder
Get Files - download an entire folder
Delete/ rename files
crete/ delete / change folder

Q15) Web service command
ans.Web service command is a convenient mechanism for exchanging information
Specify or build the URL
Provide authentication information
Enter header parameter(s)
Specify the output location
Specify whole or selected response

Q16) The XML Command captures and manipulates data that has XML formatting
ans.Start XML session

End XML session
Insert node
Delete node/attribute
Update nodes
Validate XML document
Save session data
Execute XPath function

Q17) What are the subcommands that are provided by Terminal Emulator?
Send Text/ Get Text
Set Field/ Get Field
Get all fields

Q18).What is Control Room?
ans.Control Room is Server Component in AA. This component is to hold the entire information in the
tools.Control room is an operation and authentication of all clients within client environment. It is
controlled all the user and monitoring task based on the control room operation.We can easy to
controlled users, testers and high level people within the organization.
Control Room Options:
Repository Manager
Operation Control Room
Audit Trail

Task Scheduler
Credential Manager
App. Management

Q19) What are the objectives using the Automation Anywhere Control Room?
ans.Server settings
Registering a client
Uploading tasks
Comparing files
Active directory command

Q20) What Enterprise Control Room does?
ans.The Enterprise Control Room provides the main dashboards from which all of the automation projects
can be managed
The Enterprise Control Room centralizes the control, security, and collaboration

Q21) How can we use Enterprise Control Room?
ans.Monitor all tasks that are running and scheduled on all clients
Deploy hundreds of tasks simultaneously with a mouse click
Manage the number of connected clients and repository files
View status for deployed tasks in real time using the operations room
Manage security through user privileges and configuration of clients
Maintain central repository for automated tasks for ease of reuse and collaboration

Q22) What are the subcommands that are provided by Active Directory command?
ans.The Active Directory command is used to read from and edit users in the active directory
The active directory command provides the following subcommands

Create / modify user
Create / modify group
Get property

Q23).Difference between Manage Windows/Web controls and Object Cloning?
ans.Manage Windows Controls command allows you to work with windows controls like check-boxes and
radio buttons. With this command, you can find out if the radio button or check box is checked or not.
Automation Anywhere supports only standard Windows checkboxes and radio buttons.
Object Cloning command to recognized
Objects and a variety of their properties, including Name, Type, Path, and Value.

Q24). What is Image Recognition in terms of AA?
ans.Image Recognition is another feature of the Visualize Technology available in Automation Anywhere
Using the Visualize Technology, Image Recognition allows the recognition and comparison of images
from file or window.

Q25).Difference between Manage Windows and Object Cloning?
ans.Manage Windows Controls command allows you to work with windows controls like check-boxes and
radio buttons. With this command, you can find out if the radio button or check box is checked or not.
Automation Anywhere supports only standard Windows checkboxes and radio buttons.
Object Cloning command to recognized
objects and a variety of their properties, including Name, Type, Path, and Value
Automation Anywhere Interview Questions

Q26).Automation Anywhere Web Control Room’s Dashboard Component displays the number
of registered clients what does this indicate?
ans..Registerd clients shows the number of machines having liscence & Active user shows the
machines registerd with the control room

Q27).Difference between Manage Windows/Web controls and Object Cloning?

Q28).Explain about Automation Anywhere Architecture?
ans.AA Architecture – AA Client, AA runner, Control room.

Q29).Explain about Automation Anywhere Credential Vault?
ans.AA Credential Vault helps to save sensitive data in control room

Q30).Explain about different types of Recorders available in Automation Anywhere?
ans.Web, Screen, Smart.

Q31).Explain the steps to send and read the email using your Automation Anywhere Enterprise
ans.For sending mails ‘Send email’ command is used and for reading mails ‘email automation’
command is used.

Q32).How can I connect to database in Automation Anywhere and explain different Automation
Anywhere Database commands?
ans.For connection to DB in AA, set the connection string first. Click on connection string, Give DB
username n password. Test the db connection.

Q33).How can we read CSV Files through Automation Anywhere?
ans.Select command ‘read csv/text files’ command and use ‘filedata column’ system variable in loop.

Q34).How to add/remove Clients in Automation Anywhere Control Room?
ans.Goto ‘User Management’ tab- we can add and remove clients .

Q35).How to assign a new set of permissions to a group of users in Automation Anywhere?
ans.Goto ‘security’ tab- manage roles, create new roles and manage existing ones.

Q36).How to call a Bot Inside a Bot?
ans.Run Task command is used to call.

Q37).How to do logs in Automation Anywhere?
ans.Log into file command.

Q38).How to Lock, Shutdown and Restart a machine using Automation Anywhere?
ans. Using the System command
Q39).How will get the Automation Anywhere Array Element Row and Column Count?

ans.With the help of System variables- Array rows, Array Columns

Q40).How will prevent capturing secure information through your Automation AnywhereE
Client object cloning?

Q41).How will you compare the tasks in Automation Anywhere?
ans.Goto Repository, click on compare button.

Q42).How will you connect or read two or more different excel files in a same Automation
Anywhere Tasks?
ans.We can read different excel files by managing different sessions for each excel files.

Q43).In a looping, what is the starting initial value of Counter system variable?
 ans.  1

Q44).In WebCR, what does the number of active users reflect in Dashboard?

ans.Active users – Any number of users made by admin, (Active users= liscenced users+
nonliscenced users)

Q45).Is it possible to read PDF through Automation Anywhere and if yes, please explain the

Q46).What all Subversion Versions are supported by Automation AnywhereE?

Q47).What are looping commands are available in Automation Anywhere and explain difference
between them?

Q48).What are the different types of files we can able to schedule in Automation Anywhere?

Q49).What are the different types of variables available in the MetaBot?
ans.Input, output, inputoutput

Q50).What are the different types of variables available in the Task editor?
ans.Value, List, Array, Random

Q51).What are the different types of variables available in the Workflow Designer?
ans. Value*

Q52)..what are the important checks we need to do when using Automation Anywhere Web
Record command?
ans.Web Records supports only IE

Q53).What are the various options available for error handling when an error occurs?
ans.Take snapshot, variable assignment, send email, log data into file, run task.

Q54).What are the various ways to capture errors in your Automation Anywhere?

Q55).What factors are important to consider for scripting standard for Automation Anywhere

Q56).What is App Integration commands in Automation Anywhere?
ans.App integration command is used to integrate different application like IE, Java based, applet

Q57).What is Automation Anywhere Development and Run Time Client?

Q58).What is Control Room in Automation Anywhere?

Q59).What is default value of System variable ‘ErrorLineNumber’, in case of error is not

Q60).What is the Automation Anywhere MetaBot file extension?

Q61).What is the Automation Anywhere Report Designer file extension?
ans. .rtdx

Q62).What is the Automation Anywhere TaskBot file extension?
ans. .atmx

Q63).What is the Automation Anywhere Workflow file extension?
ans. .wkfx

Q64).What is the use and meaning of Wildcards in Automation Anywhere?
We can use wildcard at place/application where name of the application is changing everytime.

Q65).What is Workflow Designer?

Q66).What kind of scripts AA supports?
Ans : VB Script and JAVA script

Q66).Difference between Open browser, launch website and navigate url?
ans. Open browser will open new browser each time and second line of code will not execute till page
will load completely.
Launch website comes with option to open website in same or different IE, second line of code
will execute as soon as page starts loading.
Navigate url- with this option one can navigate directly to any page of the application.

Q67). List contains NULL??
ans. No

Q68).Syntax for finding xpath?
ans.. //Tagname[@attribute name= ‘value’]

Q69).How you will deploy Bot ?

Q70).How to transfer variable from one task to another task?

Q71).How you check/ find out that the particular process is right candidate for RPA?

Q72).What types of different systems are required for Automation Anywhere??

Q73).Which Automation Anywhere command is used to download a file and explain the steps to

Q74).Which of the Clients is accessible to a user with Admin role/rights?

Q75).Which of the different types of reports are generated by the Report Designer?

Q76).Which of the WebCR options allows to view the list of all client machines along with their
status in read-only form?
ans.Clients tab

Q77).Which one of the command is ‘highly’ not recommended to use if the application is local
and offers full support of objects for automation?

Q78).Which ROI setting can we able to modify?

Q79).which system variable format can be changed?

Q80).Which System variable is used to read the data from your CSV/ Text File?
ans.Filedata column

Q81).Which version of Automation Anywhere you have used?
ans.Version 10.*

Q82).While editing a task, the screenshots are not appearing under Visualize Tab. What could
be the possible reason?

Q83). what is the use of regular expression ?

Q84).  Do you need a complete systems development lifecycle (SDLC) team—for
example, developers, project managers, and business analysts—to successfully deploy
ans.: Yes, a typical RPA implementation requires companies to take a structured and methodical
approach executed through a SDLC-like framework. We recommend forming three types of
 Bump Team: This team is comprised of business process experts or subject matter
experts whose jobs are to identify processes that can be automated.
 Set Team: This team employs solution architects who architect the best way to
automate a given process and design the solution (the bots). This team also has
responsibility to review the accuracy and efficiency of the bots as they move
through the lifecycle from development, to test, to production.

 Strike Team. This team is made up of automation experts who take the design
from the Set Team and actually automate the selected processes.

Q85): How is RPA different from workflow automation or business process
management tools?
ans.: Workflow automation and business process management (BPM) tools are used for
specific business scenarios and require specific business processes to be re-
engineered. They’re driven by IT and are automated using backend application
programming interfaces (APIs). They also typically require you to fulfil formal change-
management requirements. All of this is both time-consuming and expensive.
RPA tools, on the other hand, are general-purpose tools that can be applied to a broad
range of scenarios without needing to re-engineer any processes. RPA tools operate on
the front end—through an intuitive application interface—and can deliver seamless
automation without any need for back-end programming or integration. Because of this,
you can use RPA tools to automate all kinds of business processes, including legacy
applications and applications exposed over Citrix.

Q86): Given all the RPA tools on the market today, how do you select the best
A: There are eight primary factors that must be considered when evaluating RPA
1. Product Maturity: You should always check the number of years the product
has been on the market. Ask for the number of enterprise deployments—make
sure there are large as well as smaller deployments—and ask for the total
number of bots in production overall.
2. Breadth of Portfolio: Rather than a set of disparate products, look for a
comprehensive platform that enables you to do an end-to-end RPA deployment.
The platform should include three (3) components:
o Core RPA capabilities that allow you to implement rule-based automation
o Built-in cognitive automation that enables your bots to intelligently handle
unstructured data as well as employ machine learning
o Built-in analytics engine to continuously improve the accuracy and
efficiency of processes as well as of the bots

3. Ease of use: The solution should be as easy to use as a consumer product—it
should be simple for non-IT professionals to create, change, deploy, monitor, and
maintain bots
4. Scalability: The solution should allow you to reuse any bots you create and
scale them on demand. It should also deliver built-in productivity tools that
accelerate development of bots, such as recorder tools, collaboration tools, and
an automation library.
5. Reliability: Check that the product uses a client-server architecture, and that the
vendor has performed large-scale deployments that you can contact as
6. Security and compliance: The solution should securely handle sensitive data
both at rest and during transit. It should support best-in-class encryption of
bots—such as AES-256—and be compliant with local, industry, and global
standards and regulations such as the Federal Information Processing
Standard(FIPS) and Veracode.
7. Availability: The solution should not have a single point of failure, and must
support high availability of both “control room” and “bot runner” machines
8. Enterprise support and services: The solution provider must have a dedicated
support and implementation team to deliver in-house support 24/7/365 using a
service level agreement (SLA)-driven framework

Q87): How is RPA implemented in a broken process?
A: RPA’s best characteristic is that it can be applied to any number of different business
processes. RPA bots can work in both “attended” and “unattended” modes. For
example, when the entire end-to-end process cannot be automated, RPA bots can work
alongside humans to deliver attended automation. In such cases, the actions of RPA
bots can be triggered by system-level events that can give and take data to and from
human workers.

Q88). What are attended and unattended modes?
A: Attended Mode: Where human intervention is required.
     Unattended Mode: Where human intervention is not required.

Q89).  How to treat excel as database?

Q90). When treating two excel as DB in a task & moving data from one excel to another using system variable 'dataset column' to set values in target excel, instead of setting values in he first column it will set 'dataset column(1)'. How will you manage this problem?
A: Assign the value of dataset column() into a user defined variable and use this user defined variable to set values in target excel.

Q91). How to define connection string manually?
A: Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};
DBQ=C:\MyExcel.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";

Q92). Is it possible to Automate Control Room?
A: Try by urself...


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